Faculty of Marketing

Faculty members

  • Halyna Lopushniak
    Head of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management Department
    Education: 1991 - qualification: economist in accounting in agriculture, Lviv Agricultural Institute (now Lviv National Environmental University) 2001 - Candidate of Economic...
    Taras Kytsak
    Associate professor
    Education Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2002, Accounting and Audit, Master of Economics Scientific degree - Candidate of Economic Sciences, 08.00.04 - Economics...
  • Oksana Poplavska
    Associate professor
    Education  Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained KievNational Economic University (10.1996 – 01.09.1999) Ph.D. in demography, labour economics,...
    Svitlana Bondarenko
    Prof. dr hab. Svitlana Bondarenko is Full Professor (Economics, Business Management, Innovation Development). Scientific Researcher at SGH Warsaw School of Economics (2024),...
  • Anatolii Kolot
    Professor, Vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work
    Dr. Kolot is the founder of scientific school of Personnel Management and Labour Economics. He was one of the first scientists who at dawn of the independence of Ukraine started...
    Yurii Marshavin
    Education: 1966-1971 - Kharkiv Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, communications engineer. Faculty of Mechanics, specialty "Locomotives and Locomotives Management",...
  • Iryna Petrova
    Dr. Petrova graduated from Kiev State University named after Taras Shevchenko. She has been working in the field of education and science since the 80s. She managed and participated in...
    Svitlana Tsymbaliuk
    Dean of the Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology, Professor
    Education, academic degree 1992-1996 – Kyiv State Economic University, Bachelor's degree in Economics, Lecturer in Economics, programme “Human Resource Management”...
  • Olena Danylenko
    Associate professor
    Education 1997 – Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, Lviv Commercial Academy (certificate DC AR No. 005644 dated December 25, 1997)....
    Nataliia Danylevych
    Associate professor
    Education. 1990-1996 - State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine, 1996, Technology and design of garments, process engineer (Diploma LC № 002680 of June 26, 1996) ...
  • Serhii Dmytruk
    Associate professor
    Education •1999-2003– Kyiv National University of Economics, bachelor's qualification in "Management of labor resources", economics teacher.  2003-2004 – Kyiv National...
    Volodymyr Frydel
    associate professor
    Professional Experience 2021 – Present – Head of Talent Development Department, technology company VisevenGroup 2020 – 2021 – Head of Client Service Department, online...
  • Yurii Konovalov
    Associate professor
    Graduated from Kiev Institute of National Economy in 1980. Defended thesis for the Ph. D. degree in 1988. Worked in the industrial, research, educational and commercial organizations....
    Oksana Kravchuk
    Associate professor
    Born January 12, 1982 in Kamyanets-Podilskiy, Khmelnitsk region in the family of public officers. Graduated high school with honors in 1998. Graduated from Podilsk State Agro-technical...
  • Volodymyr Kyryliuk
    Teaching assistant
    Born April 28, 1990 in Khmelnytsky region.  Education 2007—2011 — Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko, Faculty of Economics, Diploma specialty:...
    Olha Leontenko
    Associate professor
    Education 1990-1995. - Kyiv State Economic University, specialty diploma: "Economics and Sociology of Labor," qualification: "economist" (diploma with honors); 1995-1998. -...
  • Ivan Riabokon
    Associate Professor
    Education 2006-2010 - Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Bachelor of Science in Personnel Management and Labor Economics with knowledge of English (diploma...
    Svitlana Rudakova
    Associate professor
    Education   Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Graduated from the Azov State Technical University with a degree in Computer Science, qualification -...
  • Anna Shandar
    associate professor
    Education: scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy in "Economics" (Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman). Thesis "Quality of life of rural population:...
    Liudmyla Shсhetinina
    associate professor
    Education 1996 - 2001 - Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Faculty of Marketing, speciality by diploma: "Labor resources management" (master's degree...
  • Kateryna Skibska
    Associate professor
    Education 1996-2001 - Donetsk State Academy of Management, specialty in economist-manager, master's degree in organization management PhD in Economics, 08.00.05 -...
    Hanna Smaliichuk
    Associate Professor
    Education: 2005-2006 - State Higher Educational Institution ‘Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman’, Master's degree in Human Resources Management and...
  • Khrystyna Stoliaruk
    Teaching assistant
    Education 2004-2009 - SHEI “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Human Resources Management and Labor Economics, Master of Human Resources Management and...
    Iryna Varis
    Teaching assistant
    Education 1997-2001 – Kyiv National Economic University, Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management, Economics teacher. 2001-2002 – Kyiv National Economic University,...
  • Alla Vasylyk
    Associate professor
    Graduated with honors from the Economics Faculty of Kyiv National Economic University named after Taras Shevchenko with a Master’s degree in economy of enterprise. Completed fulltime...
    Iryna Verkhovod
    Education 1994 – 1999 – Melitopol State Pedagogical Institute. Degree: "Geography and Fundamentals of Economics, Language, and Literature". Qualification: Specialist, Teacher of...
  • Tetiana Vonberh
    Associate professor
    Education  1998-2002 - Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University named after Admiral Makarov, Bachelor's degree in Economics and Entrepreneurship (diploma with honors)...
    Svitlana Babin
    Senior lecturer
    Has been working at KNEU since 1982. Born June 10, 1964 in Kiev. Graduated from Kiev Institute of National Economy with a degree in labour economics in 1988. Currently teaches course...
  • Alla Ilienko
    Senior Lecturer
    Education - 2000-2001 - Kyiv National Economic University, 2001, Human Resource Management, Master of Personnel Management - 2001-2004 - postgraduate studies at the Kyiv National...
    Olena Shevchuk
    Senior Lecturer
    Education: 2005 – 2009 – State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman", Faculty of Marketing and Personnel Management, field...
  • Andrii Vasylenko
    Senior lecturer
    Education. Kyiv National Economic University, 1998, Human Resources Management, Master of Business Administration. Postgraduate studies at Kyiv National Economic University,...
  • Angelchuk Kristina
    Departmental assistant
    Has been working at KNEU since 2007. Born March 30, 1990. Studies at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman....