Faculty of Marketing

Educational Programme «Tourism»

Level of higher educationFirst (Bachelor’s)
Educational degreeBachelor
Field of study24 «Service Sector»
Programme subject area242 «Tourism»
Educational qualification Bachelor of Tourism
Academic workload240 ECTS credits
Duration of training3 years 10 months
Mode of studyFull-time / Part-time / Distance 
Language(s) of instructionUkrainian, English
 English-taught programme 
Profile of the educational programme "International Economics"
Educational programme portfolio



The conceptual model of training specialists  in tourism in Kyiv National Economic University is to provide the economy, namely the service sector of Ukraine, with qualified experts able to use new forms of organization in the sphere of tourism, with the ability to analyze complex socio-economic processes and phenomena.

The training programs for Bachelor educational qualification in the direction 6.140103 "Tourism" area of expertise 1401 "Service sphere" in SHEE " Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University" is different from those of other universities. It focuses on the practical needs of the economy and tourism in particular. The curriculum includes the following disciplines (sciences) as "Travel country study", "Recreaion Study", "Organization of tourist trips", "Organization of excursion activity", "Organization of Hotel Management", "Organization of restaurant business", "Tour Operating", "Rights and regulations of tourism"," Insurance ", "Statistics of tourism "," Marketing in tourism "," Management in tourism","International tourism ", "Advertising in tourism "," Marketing communications "," Copywriting ", "Brand management " "Public-relations in business", "Travel logistics", "Corporate social responsibility", "Business Economics", "Accounting and audit", "Finance of tourist enterprise"; training courses: "Business modeling" "Create your own business: from idea to success »,« Start-up »and others.

An important advantage of Bachelor programs in Tourismin Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University is a special emphasis to in-depth study of several foreign languages by our students ​​- they can opt for in-depth studyof two foreign languages, while Polish will be studied as a normativediscipline (according to independent choice of the educational institution) during the second and third years of study. This will ensure a high level of competitiveness of experts with Bachelor educational qualification in the area of expertise 6.140103 "Tourism" specialty1401 "Service sphere" in the labor market.

Thus, graduates of SHEE "Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University" with the qualification "Bachelor of Tourism" will:
• operate effectively in the conditions of international competition;
• know the basic principles and norms of tourism, tactics and methods of promotion of competitive tourism  services to the world markets;
• possess the knowledge in marketing and management of tourism, organization of hotel and restaurant business, tour operating;
• have practical skills in logistics, advertising and PR-technologies of the tourism industry;
• know several foreign languages.

Based on theoretical knowledge and practical skills Bachelors in Tourism will work:in the sphere of domestic and international tourism, as managers in the areas of cognitive, treatment, "green", sports tourism, guides, animators, marketing specialists and managers of marketing departments and advertising services of travel agencies, work in various positions in hotel and restaurant business and others.


Last redaction: 18.01.25