Faculty of Marketing

Research Activities

The Department is engaged into active research, methodological, educational and upbringing work.

Employees of the Department published more than 100 research papers and made more than 50 presentations and scientific and scientific methodology conferences. Twelve monographs were published. 

Over the last 5 years, employees of the department developed more than 30 manuals and introduced them into the teaching process.

Teachers of the Department maintain contacts with leading teachers of similar department in other universities, researchers from research institutions, provide methodological assistance to related departments of economics universities, comply with students' knowledge-level control requirements of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. Associate Professor I.F. Hredzhuk and Professor O.I. Makarenko have worked for foreign universities for several years.

Areas of scientific studies:

  • Research, resilience and numerical/analytical methods of building solutions of differential and integral equations using computers
  • Research into the stability of solutions of differential and incremental equations with determined or stochastic coefficients
  • Optimisation of linear dynamic systems
  • Research into the stability of solutions of linear and non-linear differential equations with determined coefficients
  • Optimisation of solutions of linear and non-linear differential and incremental equations with determined or stochastic coefficients
  • Synthesis of optimum controls for linear dynamic systems with determined or stochastic coefficients.

The following are some of the research papers and monographs developed by the Department:

  • Борисов Є. М., Кулик А. Б. «Знаходження щільності розподілу функції випадкового аргументу наближеним аналітичним методом малого параметра» (Finding Distribution Density of a Stochastic Argument by Applying Analytical Approximation Method of a Series Expansion Parameter)  // Моделювання та інформаційні система в економіці: Міжвідомчий науковий збірник. — Вип. 72, КНЕУ, 2005. — С. 114—123.
  • Греджук І. Ф. «Економіко-математичні методи оптимізаціі виробничих потужностей у станкобудуванні» (Economic and Mathematical Methods of the Optimisation of Production Facilities in the Machine Tool Industry), у співавторстві з О. Г. Білорусом // Економічні проблеми ефективності виробництва. — вип. 7, 1975 р.
  • Макаренко О. І. «Дослідження нелінійної дінаміки тралових систем» (Research into Non-linear Dynamics of Trawl Systems)  // Прикладна механіка, т. 34, в. 2, 1998 р.
  • Пахомов І. І. «Метод найкращих квадратичних наближень у механіці товстих плит» (Method of the Best Quadratic Approximations in Thick Plate Mechanics). Вид-во «Наукова думка». Прикладна механіка, т. ІХ, вип. 10, 1973 р.
  • Валеев К. Г., Шушарин Ю. В. Применение нестационарннх моделей массового обслуживания для исследования экономических процессов (Application of Non-stationary Mass Service Models for the Research into Economic Processes). — Киев, 1986. — 14 с. / Деп в УкрНИ-ИНТИ 1986, № 2798 Ук 86/.
Last redaction: 05.05.23