Department of Regional Studies and Tourism
Study with us The Department of Regional Studies and Tourism, which celebrated its 60th anniversary, is one of the traditionally experienced department in the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. We have a rich history and outstanding scientific traditions, a powerful creative research and pedagogical potential. Today the department provides its own set of educational programmes in Regional Economics and Local Governance, Tourism, Environmental Economics, City Economics and Urban Studies, along with Green Economics. We are actually a team of like-minded people and specialists capable of solving the most important tasks of scientific, educational, methodological, tutorial and organizational work, and also have a sufficient potential for the development of creative resources, maintaining own image and strengthening international reputation of our team among the scientific communities in the field of Regional /Spatial/ Urban Studies and Sustainable Economic Development. The mission of the Department of Regional Studies and Tourism is to actualize, generate and popularize academic and practical knowledge and innovations in the field of regional/spatial/urban economics and sustainable development, as well as internal and international tourism. The main goal of the department is a realization of university-wide strategy of the fundamental methodological, analytical and practical training provision for students in the field of Economics through proposed by our full and associate professors set of courses in Regional and Spatial Studies, along with introduction of modern educational undergraduate and graduate programmes in Urban Economics, Tourism and Green Economics. The most important tasks of our department: - Conducting fundamental research in the field of regional and urban economics, sustainable development and the introduction of scientific results in the educational process
- Organization of conferences, seminars and round tables in the fields of regional, spatial and urban economics, local governance, tourism, green economics, etc.
- Issue of department's scientific journals, working papers and abstracts of conferences
- Continuous improvement of educational and methodological developments and updating of courses on the basis of modern world educational products in the field of regional studies, urban economics, spatial economics, tourism and green economics, as well as preparation of textbooks, manuals and lecture notes and elaboration of guidances for students to fulfill their creative tasks in the aforementioned areas
- Paying much attention to learning by students of foreign languages for professional fields and familiarizing them with modern methodological books and working papers of prominent scholars
- Orientation towards the use in the educational process modern computer network technologies, software products of statistical analysis (SPSS, Statistica, Stata, R) and cartography visualization (GIS, Mapinfo, Google Visualization API) of spatial / regional development
- Strengthening the relations of the department with business entities to organize for students training programmes and internships
- international co-operation with profile departments of other universities, research centers, associations of regional and urban sciences, sustainable development, etc.
- co-operation of the department with state and local authorities and obtaining feedback on sustainable development of Ukrainian regions and cities, state power decentralization, environmental initiatives, programmes of regional and local development of tourist destinations of Ukraine.
 | - Danylyshyn Bohdan Mykhailovych
- DANYLYSHYN Bohdan Mykhailovych Academic Degree, Academic Title: Doctor of Economics, academician of NSA of Ukraine Education : In 1987, he graduated from Ternopil State...
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