Faculty of Marketing

Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management

The history of the Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management is a movement towards the professional development of its graduates thanks to the experience and skills of the teaching staff; it is a difficult knowledge and awareness of permanent changes in the multidimensional, unstable world of work; it is a systematic mastery of the art of personnel management; it is a constant search for and introduction of innovations in the complex process of regulating social and labour relations. The history of the department includes thousands of specialists trained to work in various sectors of the economy of Ukraine and a number of other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America; it is a galaxy of labour scientists who laid the foundation of Ukrainian science in the field of labour economics, social and labour relations, and human resources management; it is authoritative professional teachers who develop the national higher economic school.

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History of department is thousands of specialists, geared-up to work in the different spheres of economy of Ukraine and other countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America; it is a pleiad of scientists in the field of economics labour, social-labour relations, management of personnel; it is authoritative teachers-professionals which develop domestic higher economic school.

Modern Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department is one of lead among family departments in Ukraine. It is the powerful center of educational, methodical and scientific work, active participant of innovative activity of enterprises. Department inculcates constantly new technologies of educational process, develops actual educational courses on the basis of long-term traditions and innovative approach to the teaching, supports permanent connections with various institutions, enterprises and business-environment.

Especially actual is preparation of competent specialists in the field of personnel management and labour economics in the period of forming of new economy. It is accompanied with growth of meaningfulness of human capital as a strategic resource, and the competitiveness of enterprises depends on quality and flexibility of human capitals, which requires a strategic resource effective management by them.

Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department hasgot the modern name in 2007 year after 50 years of numerous transformations  and  became an original answer for the permanent calls of socio-economic development of country.

The first manager of department of Labour Economics and Material and Technical Supply (1965–1966) was an associate professor A. Pastukhov. In a year the department of scientific organization of management and labour became independence. In next time development of department was carried out under the direction of O. M. Bobrov (1966–1975), V. P. Makhnarilov (1975–1985), V. M. Petyukh (in 1985), S. I. Trilevich (1985–1988), V. I. Chernov (in 1988), honoured worker of education of Ukraine V. M. Danyuk (1988–2003).

Since 2003 years Head of Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department is A. M. Kolot, ScD in Economics, Professor, Vice rector in Charge of Research and Academic Affairs, honoured worker of science of Ukraine.

Faculty members
  • Lopushniak Halyna Stepanivna
    Education: 1991 - qualification: economist in accounting in agriculture, Lviv Agricultural Institute (now Lviv National Environmental University) 2001 - Candidate of Economic...
    Kytsak Taras Hryhorovych
    Education Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2002, Accounting and Audit, Master of Economics Scientific degree - Candidate of Economic...

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